Monthly Archives: June 2015

Are You a “Good” Partner?

I recently published an article evaluating performance as a law firm partner:

Are You a “Good” Partner?

Reprinted with permission from: New York State Bar Association Journal, June 2015, Vol. 87, No. 5, published by the New York State Bar Association, One Elk Street, Albany, New York 12207.

Of Grandparents, Prayers and Sepulchers

My loyal legion of regular readers is aware of my intrigue with cases that adjudicate “one off” upstate “personal and people” issues that are asymmetric to “run of the mill” downstate “business and financial” litigation disputes.  Three recent decisions fall squarely within my favored genre.  The first addressed visitation rights of a maternal grandfather.  The second considered issues arising out of preparation for a Bar Mitzvah under Jewish law.  And the third related to the disposition of human cremated remains. Continue reading