Courts Addresses Claims For Compensatory and Punitive Damages
SJWA LLC asserted claims for trespass and private nuisance based on repeated backups of sewage in the basement of their townhouse. The property next to the townhouse is owned by Father RealtCorp., which leased the top two floors of its property to Chelsea 7 Corporation. According to the complaint, the backups resulted from Realty and Chelsa’s misuse of a shared sewage line running from their property under SJWA’s property and then to the main line in the street. Motion practice and an appeal ensued.
SJWA made a prima facie showing of trespass by submitting evidence that there was an intentional and unauthorized entry upon their property and that they did not take the premises subject to any license. In opposition to SJWA’s trespass claim, Realty and Chelsa contended that they had a license to use the pipe based on an agreement entered into in 2006 between Realty and the prior owner of SJWA’s property after the pipe serving both properties was severed during construction on an abutting property. According to Realty, the prior owners agreed to share the cost of re-laying a combined sewage pipe, which was inspected and approved by New York City agencies, and Realty continued to use the pipe without incident until the backups that occurred.
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